10 things worth knowing about wine growing in Argentina

I am writing this blog entry at London Heathrow Airport. I shouldn’t be here. I should be in Argentina, sitting in a wine bar in Buenos Aires rather than on a bench in Terminal 5 listening to a voice very similiar to ex-Spice Girls’s Mel C reminding us that unattended luggage will be removed and destroyed. Good to know.

The Regent variety. Soon to be ready for harvest.

But British Airways didn’t want to take me on their flight last night and rebooked me on today’s flight. Therefore, I have plenty of time to read about wine growing in Argentina and share the most important facts and figures with you. So, let’s read and learn a little. Continue reading

Weinland China?

chinaVor einigen Tagen gab es in der Süddeutschen Zeitung einen Artikel, demnach China weltweit bereits über die zweitgrößte Weinanbaufläche verfügt  – vor Frankreich! Unglaublich! Die Produktion steht zwar weit hinter der Frankreichs und anderer großer Weinnationen, aber die Weichen werden zumindest flächenmäßg schon einmal gestellt. Continue reading